ABRS Approved Tests

The ABRS is Britain's longest established riding school approval scheme.
Dunton Stables is an 'Approved School'. This means that it is subject to regular inspections from the ABRS and meets the high standards of care required for both horses and riders.
All clients can be assured that they will receive sound instruction on suitable horses and ponies using good, safe and well maintained saddlery.
In line with the ethos of the ABRS, Dunton Stables is committed to providing young people and adults with riding experiences to meet their needs. Whether you ride for pleasure or have more serious aspirations such as a career with horses or a desire to compete, the staff at Dunton Stables can help you achieve your goals.
ABRS Riding & Stable Management Examinations
The ABRS also has a wide ranging examination and testing system with riding and stable management gradings and certificates available to measure progression for children and adults.
Young people, in particular, benefit from taking progressive riding tests. This increases their confidence, gives them something to aim for and recognises their successes.