Donkey Derbies

Donkey Derbies are a great fundraiser and provide endless enjoyment for both donkey riders and spectators.
A donkey derby can be staged as the main entertainment event or as a side attraction. Either way, Dunton Stables will provide you with the 'know how' to ensure that your donkey riding day is a success. More details are available upon request.
Please contact our stables for further information.
Donkey Derby Riders
Local children with riding experience are essential for entertaining races, we suggest Riding schools and Pony Clubs should be approached. Ages 10 - 15 years but must be under 8 stone. Riding hats are compulsory.

Donkey Derby Safety
We must stress that it is imperative that each child wears a BS approved, correctly fitting hat with chin strap, it is strongly recomended that donkey riders wear similarly approved Back Protectors.
Donkey jockeys must obtain written permission from a parent or guardian, inorder to participate. We are unable to provide donkey riding hats, please ensure that all riders bring their own.
We suggest the Organiser/Hirer holds a selection of various sized approved hats in the event of any riders forgetting their own.
Donkey Derby Saddles
These are not used in Donkey Racing as there is always the possibility of Jockeys catching their feet in the stirrups and being dragged should they fall.
Donkey Derby Course

A horseshoe shaped or straight course approximately 100 to 150 yards long 25ft wide. The course should be enclosed either by a fence or two strands of rope.
The donkey paddock should NOT be incorporated in the course but set beyond the finish. It is essential to have a good width of course to avoid collision and allow the donkeys to space themselves out.
Donkey Derby Races
All our prices are for maximum of 6 races of 6 Donkeys. We reserve the right to increase the fee should the number of races required be in excess of this.
Suggest starting not before 2 - 2.30 pm and finishing around 4.30 - 5.30 pm with 20 - 25 minutes intervals between donkey races. Short sharp meetings hold the public interested. Crowds tend to drift after 4.30pm.

Donkey Paddock
Preferably in the shade 20ft x 20ft recommended size. MUST be at the finishing end of the donkey derby course, NEVER at the start.
Must be strong either chestnut fencing, livestock hurdles, or 3 strands of rope 1 inch apart with stakes. Crowd barriers, which may be obtained by consent of your local Police or Council are probably the best.
A supply of water nearby is also helpful.
Sponsorship To Recoup Initial Cost

To offset the initial cost of the donkey ride hire you should work hard on getting sponsorship from local Firms. A rule of thumb for this is get a local Firm or Company to sponsor each race for £35-£40. For this they get advertising in the donkey derby programme and can name the race.
Then get a parent, friend, relation or local trader to sponsor each Donkey in each race for £20. They can name the Donkey say (Local Butcher, T-Bone).
It is most unusual for organisers not to have covered all expenses before gates open. Our prices cover all necessary equipment and transport.

Donkey Derby Advertising
You must work hard on advertising the donkey derby event, say 14 days in advance. Try to sell as many programmes in advance and display as many posters around the local area. Make sure everybody knows about your donkey derby event.
Donkey Derby Commentators
Should be humorous, able to operate a Tannoy and keep the interest of the Public.
Official Race Rules For Donkey Derbies
The following rules must apply:
- All riders should have riding experience, must be under 8 stone and should observe accepted riding practice at all times.
- All riders must wear hard hats. No rider shall be permitted to carry whip or spurs, nor to employ any other artificial means of inducement whatsoever for the purpose of increasing the speed of the Donkey.
- A jockey falling off during a race shall be permitted to remount without disqualification, provided the Donkey shall re-enter the race at the point at which the fall occurred.
- The decision of the judges will be final and anything not provided for by these rules shall be dealt with by organisers whose decision shall be final.