Loan a Pony
Having your own pony or horse is a tremendous responsibility and a huge cost, as some of you may know. The actual buying of the pony is the first and smallest step, and often, the smallest cost. The real cost, in time and money, is the continuous care. The pony needs to be looked after 365 days a year, wormed regularly, and be visited by the farrier every 6-8 weeks and by the dentist every 6 months. Horses and ponies are expensive to keep and their owners need to have an in depth knowledge of equine welfare to ensure that the horse or pony is well looked after.
Dunton Stables Share Scheme is aimed at would be horse owners and at those people who have insufficient time to dedicate to owning their own horse or pony. It is particularly suitable for young people who want their own pony but who are still reliant upon their parents to help them to manage this. It is a huge learning experience and can be great fun!
We are offering a series of short term contracts to selected clients with the following terms, the detail of which will be documented and agreed with each share owner:
- Each contract will run for a period of 12 weeks.
- The cost to the share owner will be £50.00 per week.
- Included in this cost will be a weekly, 1 hour group riding lesson and up to a 1 hour stable management lesson as well as 2 further opportunities to ride in the ménage without instruction.
- The share owner will have the responsibility to groom, tack up and untack the pony on each of the 2 riding occasions mentioned above.
- The share owner will have the responsibility of looking after the stable for the pony on each visit.
- The share owner will have the responsibility of feeding the pony on each visit.
Our horses and ponies are well cared for, steady and reliable. As many of you will know, they are regularly used in the riding school and are used to being handled.
There will always be supervision on the yard and someone to ask for help or advice. The stable management lessons will cover all of the basic knowledge needed to help to ensure that you and your pony will each benefit from this relationship.
Additional riding instruction, trekking and stable management lessons will always be available but will, of course, need to be paid for.
To be considered for this share scheme, riders must be able to ride in rising trot.