Meet the Riding Holiday Horses
Welcome to our riding holidays horses & ponies, take a look their profile photos and read a little about each horse's character. If you'd like more infomation about our pony trekking holidays, go to our riding holidays page.

Toffee is the matriarch of the herd. She is always the 'boss' in the field, enjoys being the lead horse and is totally reliable. She stands at 15.1hh and is a sturdy mare.

This 15.2hh piebald mare is a firm favourite with our regular trekkers. She is a good looking, forward going horse with no vices.

Puzzle is a well schooled, coloured horse, about 14.3hh, and she has a bouncy, even gait in trot that all of her riders appreciate.

This 14.3hh piebald mare is very forward going, extremely gentle and loves to jump! We often ride competent children on Daisy as she is very easy to manage.

A lovely 14.3hh cob who is happy to lead or to follow, Murphy came to us from Ireland with his best friend:
Barney Pee:

At 14.2hh Barney Pee is very popular with younger riders. He is gentle, kind and loves trekking out. He is a quiet ride and very steady.

Henry stands at 16.3hh. This young horse has a very graceful canter and is known as 'the gentle giant' amongst our regular clients. He is a lead horse and is extremely well behaved.

Dollar is a 14.2hh skewbald mare with blue eyes. She is excellent in the ménage and she is everyone's favourite horse to take over the jumps.

Known as 'Ronni', this 14.2hh piebald cob has been with us since a foal. He is now mature and proving to be a great trekking horse as well as being good in the riding school.

He is a very handsome 13hh cob with lovely markings. We have had him since he was 8 months old. Now, broken, backed and schooled, he is very safe on treks and loves riding out.

Spirit is King's best friend in the field. A little shorter at 12.2hh, Spirit has kept his long mane and is making a wonderful little trekking horse. Both King and Spirit are very popular with young riders.

This sturdy little 13.2hh, black cob enjoys the riding school work as much as the trekking. Always friendly, he relishes the attention given to him at grooming time.

A fine pony who works well in the riding school, Star is one of the younger riders' favourite ponies. She is forward going and works best with a competent rider.

Rosie is a show pony with a fantastic jump in her. She is super in the school on pony games days and loves a canter out across the fields. She is always full of energy.

This sweet natured, gentle pony has been the 'first pony' for lots of new riders. However, she has a lovely canter with more experienced children and always enjoys the fuss and attention given to her.

Dillon goes out on walk and trot treks but is not happy in the school. He is a strong little pony who loves to be groomed and tacked up.

The smallest of our ponies, Barny's cute looks mean that all of the children love him. He is super in the school and out on mini-treks and is very forward going.